6 ounces halva with pistachio, crumbled (about 1 cup)
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup sugar, optional
1/2 water, optional
2 tablespoons butter, optional
0.14435,5.28064 -1.72703,7.15202 -1.85346,1.85346 -4.60816,2.54506 -7.15202,1.72651 L 98.20011,234.032 c -13.64533,7.84517 -29.1164,11.97653 -44.95695,11.97653 -49.912518,0 -90.311278,-40.39185 -90.311278,-90.31128 0,-49.91254 40.391868,-90.310767 90.311278,-90.310767 z M 88.5206,146.87815 c -4.87136,0 -8.8191,3.94774 -8.8191,8.8191 0,4.86999 3.94774,8.81961 8.8191,8.81961 4.86999,0 8.81961,-3.94962 8.81961,-8.81961 0,-4.87136 -3.94962,-8.8191 -8.81961,-8.8191 z m -35.27744,0 c -4.87135,0 -8.81961,3.94774 -8.81961,8.8191 0,4.86999 3.94826,8.81961 8.81961,8.81961 4.87136,0 8.8191,-3.94962 8.8191,-8.81961 0,-4.87136 -3.94774,-8.8191 -8.8191,-8.8191 z m -35.277945,0 c -4.87136,0 -8.819618,3.94774 -8.819618,8.8191 0,4.86999 3.948258,8.81961 8.819618,8.81961 4.871368,0 8.819615,-3.94962 8.819615,-8.81961 0,-4.87136 -3.948247,-8.8191 -8.819615,-8.8191 z" style="fill:#ffffff;stroke-width:0.352777" id="path10">
Text Ingredients
In a large bowl, combine 1-1/2 cups flour, sugar, salt and yeast. Cut in butter until crumbly. Add warm milk, vanilla, and lemon zest to dry ingredients; beat just until moistened. Add eggs; beat on medium for 2 minutes. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a firm dough. Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, 5-7 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.
Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface; divide into 8 pieces. Roll each piece into a 10x5-in. rectangle, about 1/8 in. thick. For each, spread Nutella to within 1/2 in. of edges, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons halva and 1 tablespoon chocolate chips, and roll up jelly-roll style, starting with a long side; pinch seam and ends to seal.
Using a sharp knife, cut each roll lengthwise in half; carefully turn each half cut side up. Loosely twist strips around each other, keeping cut surfaces facing up; pinch ends together to seal. Repeat for remaining buns. Place cut side up on parchment-lined baking sheets. Cover with kitchen towels; let rise in a warm place until almost doubled, about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 375°.
Bake until golden brown, 15-20 minutes. If desired, in a small saucepan, bring sugar and water to a boil; reduce heat and simmer until sugar is dissolved, 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and add butter, stirring until melted. Brush over buns. Serve buns warm.
Nutella Babka Buns Tips
What does brushing the sugar syrup on at the end do for the Nutella babka?
These buns look beautiful before glazing but adding that last touch makes these pastries fit for a spot in a bakery window. Not only goes the sugar syrup give a nice finish and added sweetness, but it also helps seal the buns so you can enjoy them longer.
How do you store Nutella babka?
Store these buns in a sealed container and eat within 2 or 3 days. Reheat them in the microwave for a warm, gooey treat. They also freeze well! Freeze in a single layer in airtight containers for up to 3 months. Here's how to store all your homemade baked goods.
Can you make these Nutella babka buns into traditionally shaped babka instead?
You can adapt this recipe to be a full loaf instead of buns. Try using our chocolate babka dough as the base, but swap in Nutella and halvah instead of the chocolate. Crazy about hazelnut? Try one of these Nutella recipes next.
—Maggie Knoebel, Taste of Home Associate Recipe Editor/Tester
Habanero Raspberry Ribs
Total Time
Prep: 10 min. Bake: 3 hours and 10 min.
5 servings
2 racks pork baby back ribs (about 4-1/2 pounds)
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